Reuben and Spring Vegetable Pizzas

Reuben and Spring Vegetable Pizzas

Reuben #Pizza: home baked Homemade Pizza dough bottoms with; (front) Rachel / Reuben toppings of homemade thousand island dressing, sauerkraut, Home Cured Home Smoked pastrami, and topped with Swiss and other cheeses; (rear) a Spring-time vegetable pizza with baby spinach, homegrown fresh and dried herbs, feta cheese, whole milk mozzarella cheese, tender whole pod sugar snap peas, and ricotta cheese. Served with Yuengling Beer’s Bock Beer, the malty sweetness in the beer went great with the pastrami, providing some contrast to the meat’s smoky, spicy flavors and balancing out the tart sauerkraut.

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